
My Mom and Dad don't talk- They shout! What can I say to them?

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How can I politely tell my parents to keep their volume down? I sit upstairs in my room and they do not converse ( as in talking at normal volume) , they shout at one another! It is really hurting my ears!! I have asked them to try and talk normally- for it pains my ears, but they seem to find my asking of them offencive. What else can I say?




  1. Tell them in a respectful way that they are not being an example to you to live by.  Explain that the shouting is affecting you emotionally and making you unhappy to be around them.

    Give them something to think about.

  2. My parents are like that too. I go downstairs and say they are making me worried and that they need to stop. yelling solves nothing, it just makes everyone angry. Ask very nicely, and then ask them to see it from you perspective. Ask them is they would want to hear that. I promise they will reconsider.  

  3. 1) Go buy some ear plugs so you don't have to hear them.

    2) Put on some ear phones and listen to music when they shout.

    3) Oh, I just read that they aren't fighting...they are just loud. Do one of the above and fix the problem yourself.

  4. i think that maybe you should write them a note before you go to school stick it in there jacket bag or pocket something  

  5. Tell them that they are not monkey or incredible hulk, uncivilized shout, civilized talk

  6. You can't say anything just get yourself some ear plugs and let them scream until the cops show up!

  7. That's exactly what i have to deal with. =/

    I'm talking to my friend on the phone, then she asks whats all that noise are you in trouble? I say it;s just my parents talking down stairs. lol. Just politely ask them to quite down a little bit and talk normal.

  8. Tell them in a sweet voice that their yelling is effecting your life and do they want you to grow into an adult that yells all the time because that is what will happen.  

    Buy them Dr. Phil's book:  Family First and make sure they read it.  Maybe they will turn down the vocal volume.  

  9. When they shout, run into the room in a panic and ask "Is everything okay?! Are you hurt?! I heard yelling!" Maybe they'll get the hint!

  10. just say, guys please keep the volume down, tell them they are keeping you awake and distracting you! or get your mates over and you shout and when they tell you to be quiet, you can then tell them that's how its like for you, they might realise then how loud they are being. if all else fails invest in a pair of earplugs!

  11. yea my parents are like that tootheyre always dont raise your tone with me while they do it.. but thats the way parents are

  12. Say nothing...feign that it is emotionally hurting you, they will stop for you

  13. If your parents refuse to respect what you ask of them, turn up your music or tv really loud. Trust me that will grab their attention quickly and if they come at you. Simply explain that you came to them and approached the matter before about them shouting and you don't want to listen to it. Another suggestion when they start to get loud slam your door so they can hear it. My girlfriend said it worked for her a couple of times.  

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