
My Mom thinks I'm using drugs, what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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My Mom thinks I am using drugs, which I'm not. i'm not sure what i can do about it. I was thinking of getting a drugs test done but i don't know where i can get it done. any advice. I've tired talking to her and all she does is either ignore me or starts yelling at me. I'm 14 by the way.




  1. the truth will come out in time. just wait ;)

  2. go to walmart and buy a 12 drug p**s test and take it for her  

  3. who cares. Everyone thinks I do drugs (even my parents) just because I have long hair and tend to drift off. Just ignore her.

  4. Ask her what evidence she has to support her libelous allegations.  

  5. sit down with her and talk to her. look her in the eye and show her that you are being sincere.  if she still feels you are lying to her . tell her she can go buy a drug test (they sell them at drug stores like rite aid) or she can take you to your family doctor and have them test you to prove to her you arent using drugs.  good luck. sorry to hear you mothers lack of faith in you.

  6. ask her to bring you to the doctor and he can probably arrange a test. why don't you invite a few friends over to your hosue for a change? that way she can see who you're hanging out with and what you typically do and might leave you alone. you could also ask her to speak to your teachers. they are usually quite quick at noticing if someone's using drugs and would be able to tell your mum that you're doing fine.

    if you are drinking and smoking, don't be surprised if she thinks you're doing drugs. these things tend to lead to drugs.

    otherwise, just try and gain her trust again by following her rules and being mature. nothing else you can do really. she'll eventually start trusting you again.

  7. what i do is if ure nt lying swear on someones life or on ure holy book then she will belive u x

  8. well i presume your not,

    so if it means that much to your mom then take one.

    you have nothing to hide, and when it comes back negative you can laugh in her face and say "i told you so"

  9. i went throw the same thing my mom and dad thought i was but i wasnt so i just told them to give me a drug test if they dont believe me. so i would sit down with your mom and have a talk with her and be like if you dont believe me then give me one so i can prove you wrong

  10. Tell her to prove it.  Innocent until proven guilty.

    She has no right to make these accusations - don't spend your pocket money on drugs tests - it's her problem and she should pay for them.

  11. It would help to know why she thinks you're doing drugs, rather than to influence us into agreeing with your point of view to support your opinion.

  12. They sell home drug tests at Rite Aid and Longs Drugs, i even think Walgreens.  If there is any trace, they'll show up and you can go to the doctor later for better results.

  13. through a grenade at her,that ell show her

  14. Sit down and talk to her. Ask her why she thinks that, make her give specific details, then explain what's really going on. Explain that it hurts that she doesn't trust you and offer to take a drug test. I think they sell them in drug stores or you can call your local hospital and they can tell where you can find a cheep (but accurate) one locally.  

  15. tell that to prove to her that you are not doing drugs, ask her to take you to get a test done. try talking to her about it but if she continues to yell and not listen to you then try asking her in a txt msg or email because she cant really yell at you through email and she will probably read it.

  16. tell her u swear to god and if u dont tell d truth u die that u r not using drugs and u never have it always works on my friends hehe


                                     GOOD LUCK!!

  17. ask her if you can sit down and talk and then tell her if you loved me u would trust me when i say i'm not taking drugs. i think it will work!

    hope this helps good luck!

  18. do drugs.. ur already being accused for it.

    unless u dont want to

  19. Well first of all go to your family doctor or GP and they will test you for drugs then give the results to your Mum. Show her that and she will start to trust you. Maybe try getting her on her own and speaking to her in a mature manner. Tell her you wouldn't even consider taking drugs and that you go out because you need your own space. Maybe let your Mum meet your friends so she can see for herself that they aren't drug addicts. Act mature, help around the house, smile once in a while and just be your pleasant self and the whole thing will just blow over. Your Mum is probably just worried, when she starts shouting or yelling, don't walk off and don't say a thing, that will just make her more mad. Stand there like an adult and when she's done then quietly and calming give her your side of things. Maybe make her a cup of tea or coffee as well.

    Maybe say you will see a counsellor, you don't sound like you need it but what the h**l do anything to get her back on side. Make sure you do all your chores and school work on time if you have any and just be patient after all she can't stay mad at you for ever if there's no evidence to suggest you are doing drugs.

    One last thing, tell her she can search your room if she likes so show you have nothing to hide or suggest she gets the police do it with a sniffer dog. If you've got nothing to hide you don't have anything to worry about.

    Good luck

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