Our mortgage company refuses to sign our Insurance repair check they say we have to sign and send it to them. They printed a new check, made it payable to me and the contractor for half the money, and when the repairs are complete and inspected they will send the other half of the money the same way. We have another check, and don't want to follow this same process. This holds up the repairs, it undermines our authority over our home with the contractor, it takes away our financial control over our home, and the right to change contractors if we want (since the contractor is making us wait because the money is his and he knows it). Is this process legal? Is it against state regulations? Is this considered unfair, and unethical practices? It sure feels and looks like it. We didn't buy our home 1 year ago for this treatment. Do we need an attorney? Do we complain to a government agency? Do we just send a certified, notarized letter saying we want them to sign any future Insurance checks, and threaten court action? We have not signed any agreement, nor have we ever seen this agreement at the closing of our home purchase. The Mortgage company admits we didn't sign anything as well. The check is less than $3500, but the principle is important to us. Please point me in the right direction.