
My Mother's Depression

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Let me start with, I really do love my mom. It's just, so many things.

My mom has never liked spending time with me, for one thing. She rather read or just plain be by herself. We always fight about it. One time I was out by myself and wanted her to join me and she refused. I started crying and she just told me I was being too emotional and hung up.

When we do talk its about everything she hates about my dad (they're still married) and our money problems. If I get upset or defend my dad she yells at me and calls me a kid who doesn't understand. How could I not understand? She pounded all this in my head for years!

If I have any problems, she gets this look on her face, calls me too sensitive and ignores me. Though, she does let me talk a little. She doesn't hear a word of it though. I'll be in the middle of saying something and she'll cut me off and I'll get irritated and she'll be like 'I thought you were done'.

Sorry for ranting everybody. I really do love her, and I know she loves me, I just wish she'd show it better.

Ugh, I just reminded myself of last week where she through a fit and stormed into hers and my dad's room yelling about how everyones always yelling at her. After that she slammed the door and didn't come out for the rest of the night.

I wish she would stop trying to make everyone around her just as depressed as she is, it works and it upsets me so much.




  1. awww first of all im sorry that your going this rough times, but maybe your mom is just exhausted and stressed because maybe your dad is being an a*****e to her. i mean sometimes we just bite to much to chew. just give her breakfast in bed and hug her. if she doesnt appreciate you then just give her the time she wants.

  2. She loves you, but she has got serious problems, I know you shouldn't ever disrespect your parents but honestly i think its about time you had a serious talk with her, Tell her how you feel, Here's what i would say....

    Mom, You need help, You are honestly depressed and you need serious help, please stop trying to make other people feel just as worthless and angry as you, I mean it im fed up and i can't take it any more.

    If she comes back with a comment such as, your crazy, your just to sensitive, Just tell her how serious you are and that you want none of here mean and rude comments.

    I've been through this before, It effected my whole family, My mom got help and we've been wonderful ever since.

    Sometimes adults just get so caught up in everything.

  3. You should understand your mom.  She loves you. Only that she have problems especially with your dad.  Try to talk to her if she is in mood. Shew needs spiritual and moral support as well.  You can ask her family to talk to her.  I pity moms who got in to this kind of problem. Moms like her needs love, understanding and she should get it from you rather than giving attention to what she acts. Are you sure girl you didn't hurt her in the past that she acted on you like she is not interested on what you feels? No offense.   Try to talk to her and be honest of what you say to her. Good luck.

  4. why dont you talk to your dad about this or if you dont want to talk to a relative about it. or  have her go into therapy.  

  5. wow that sucks umm try to tell hey how u feel i guess idk wat to say my mom loves me

  6. I'm not sure what your question is but, try to understand that no one wants to be sad or angry all the time so maybe she has a lot of stress or other emotional issues. In order to resolve the issue, try talking about it with your mom. If that does not work suggest therapy because I've heard it really helps.

  7. Mine is pretty much the same, except my parents are separated

    She brought me up and never showed me love or encouragement.

    I just try and keep away

    She's dating this guy and he cheated on her, but she took him back

    That really bugs me because he's always in my house

    So I go up to my room and come on here...

    Sad, I know

    I try and go out with my friends to get away from her

    Try talking to your dad, and see how he feels about it

  8. I am sorry if have to go thru all that. Have you tried writing her a letter and explaing the things that bother you the most? Telling her how she makes you feel and that you don't like it. She needs to stop thinking of herself and remember she has a child to take care of .  

  9. you should tell her everything you just said on here and how you feel. good luck!

  10. ZZ, hun, I am so sorry you are in this situation. I have no clue as to why your mom is so depressed but, this should not be affecting her relationships!! In fact, it would be far better for her if she would talk about what really has her so saddened! Perhaps then, you could understand your mom and she you?

    Even so, know this, your mom loves you but, has problems you cannot fix nor, restore for her! I have but one answer for you...prayer! Honestly, God can change things, through prayer! At least, He can give you insight and peace! Let's pray that God touches your mom's heart and shows her how she has cut the ones she loves out, the most. Your mom may not even realize what she is doing, on a conscious level! In as much, I ask God to show your mom and to allow her to see that her unhappiness is unhealthy for you and others in the family. I pray that she will seek God as well and surely, get herself some help! You need a momma and she needs her daughter too! May God repair hearts so this can be so!

    Praying for you, hun!

  11. sorry to say but she is probably set in her ways and will not change unless something drastic happens.  
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