
My Mother -In-Law..please help

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my mother in law is so hard to get along 20 years old and my fiance is 23....iam his fisrt girlfriend EVER!! and hes not the only vhild and his mom likes me and then the other day she hates me. she gives me dirty looks and there have been some times where my bf has to yell and threaten her to respect me or so will no longer be in our lives.....then a couple days later she will be nice to me and we are like best friends....then the next day it starts all over agian. But yesterday it all poured out, she was sooooo RUDE, i was trying to go inside the house and she would move and i ask her "exucse me " and she said absoultly NOTHING, so i left, my bf then told her off agian and she still hasnt apologized , i cant take her s**+*t anymore, please help what do i do?




  1. Stay away from her. Your boyfriend needs to follow through with his threat of her not being in your lives.

  2. try t be nice as much as u can but if she is a trouble maker try to be away from her  

  3. Can your fiance think about getting a aplace of his own or do you have a place of your own? You could then avoid your mother in law all together.

  4. ask her why she hates you. she might be bipolar. maybe she had athing in the past that she doesn't want happening to her son. just talk with her and for god's sake do not be rude to her.

  5. You cannot do enough to make you look good in her eyes but if you truly love him you will move past what she does to you.  

  6. Let your boyfriend handle it! It seems that he may be the only one who can change her and what she does and says.

  7. Your mother in law sounds like she is bipolar or schizo. Treat her as you would a person with a mental disorder.

    Do not associate with her directly, do not put up a fake front either. There is no use of becoming close to her because some people are just not capible of having a relationship with others.

    Ignore her, accept the anything she offers but do not offer anything in return because it will not be appreciated. Send her a card for holidays but no gifts. Like I said, buying gifts for a person like her will not be appreciated no matter how much she wanted it, or needs it.

    You will realize with in X years that it was all a waste of your time to try so hard to please her, as have I with my mother in law.

    Instead be polite because you should but do not put any effort into her. Live your life, if she yells then leave. If she does not let you leave then call the police.

    Do not tell her your plans for the day, month etc, what your are doing and urge your fiance to do the same as well. This will curb any wild gossip she has about you because she will have nothing to talk about.

    After a few years she will begin to treat you differently.

    It will take her a long time to recognize properly that she is excluded and why. After she does this on her own she will take steps to become close to you.

    She must do all this on her own too. You can not force or push her to act differently. Change the way you deal with her and she will in return hopefully change herself.

    Do NOT give in to her behaviour or you will be back to the starting line.

  8. she is probably doing that b/c your her baby's girlfriend, and now fiance, she is probably trying to keep him just b/c he is still her baby. that's how most mother-in-laws are. or maybe she just really doesn't like you, but that shouldn't stop you and your fiance b/c of her. she might hate you, but she just could just like you. get what i mean.

  9. You cant do anything.  You could try to talk with her and find out why she is actign the way she is.  Is your bf the youngest? It could be she doesnt want to let go.  Just ask her and see what she says or try and ask his siblings if they have clue

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