
My Mother and I want to go to Italy to do either a language, cookery, art course or a combination of these!?

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I am 27 and have been learning Italian since September, my Mum is 53 and has been learning for over 5 years. We both love Italy, the cuisine and the history of art and can go around the Easter school holidays for about 4 days. Help!




  1. There are a number of options.

    The best thing to do is to trawl the internet or talk to a travel agent. You're not likely to get the best advice from this website.

  2. If you're asking for some hints on where to stay as a best compromise in order to fulfill all those purposes, I'd say Parma, then Piedmont (anywhere) and Verona.

    For art and cookery, all Italy is a good choice, different location, different tradition and art history, but you can find big values everywhere; just as for language learning I recommend northern cities, anyway not south of Rome, since on daily life dialect or a mix of Italian and dialects is more used.  A lot of good places to visit or to live in, in the south, I don't want to be misunderstood, but not ideal for learning Italian.

  3. FOUR DAYS!!!????

    It takes that long to recover from jet lag!

    Then again, you did say "mum" so maybe you are from Europe (England) not the U.S. A.

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