
My Mother is forgetting lots these days

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and sometimes gets very angry could she have dementia




  1. if she is putting on weight, loosing a little hair, she might have a thyroid problem

    sorry for the spelling,  

    my mother has an underactive thyroid :)

    and she forgets a lot

    your mother should get her thyroid checked out at the doctors

  2. It is not a good idea to identify the mental illness so early. Because at that stage we are biased by our own judgment.

    So investigate carefully and do relative study. Situate your self in her position and look at the situation.

    If you find something consult with a doctor.

  3. This is why you asked the dementia question about drugs, Paul?

    I see...

    (excuse my arrogance last night, I was high and drowning demons...)

    But I'm not now - I am back on the case.

    The thyroid may be involved - it will include part of the diagnosis.

    It is always best to get these things diagnosed early. The earlier the better.

    You are lucky that I have found this and have not just taken the word of someone who knows piecemeal information.

    Please - do not think about getting her medications by yourself.

    Not from the smartshops or off the street. Get them from her doctor and from the (wherever it may be, if you know what I mean...) pharmacy.

    Her forgetfulness is leading to the confusion which is causing her anger. Because she is confused and scared that she cannot remember or associate the things she used to.

    When people are in confusion and feel pressured (she is applying this pressure herself) they act with flight or fight responses - she is fighting; getting angry. Not withdrawing into her shell.

    This is a good sign.

    Your mother is a fighter and fighters deal with their situations.

    You are her son.

    It is most likely you are right and that she is suffering from some kind of dementia.

    I would say that she is.

    Firstly, try to occupy her with simple tasks that do not require much thought - things that she has always enjoyed...

    Engage her in conversation and LET HER LEAD IT - no matter how odd it sounds, what she comes out with, whether it is the truth or not...

    The truth is - that your mother is suffering from the early stages of senile demntia (or one of it's sub-forms) and it requires professional intervention if you want what is best for your mother and for yourself.

    You can do nothing, until you get to see the doctors and specialists - you need to set this up soon. She can't do it herself. You love her, else you wouldn't be asking this - get off your ars and sort these things out for her so that she can live happily in the world that SHE lives in.

    This is very important, Paul.

    Do not take what I say lightly.

    Occupy her, for now, with things that she enjoys - things that are simple pleasures.

    Keep her company - let her learn, again, to trust you - to trust that you will lead her out of her confusion by listening to her and prompting her when needed. DO NOT lead the conversation.

    You lead HER.

    To the doctors.

    Do this and you will have done the best that anyone could possibly do in your situation, unless they were a psychoanalysist and medic.

    But that doesn't mean you can't find one on yahoo answers to help you know what to do for the best.

    Please follow my advice.

    This is important to me that you do so - I have taken an oath.

    Even more important for you and your mother.

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