
My N80's battery got larger in size from a while and I can hardly close the back cover?

by  |  earlier

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as if it was filled with something, it changed from a cuboid to a balloon like shape and it hardly stays a day without recharging.

I heared things like batteries exploding in people's ears and so onm will I be the next victim?




  1. Get a new battery.  Now!

    That thing's going to blow.  Get it out of your phone, dispose of it properly and replace it at once.

    You're looking for a Nokia BL-5B battery.  Should run you about $20 US for a new one.

  2. Check this Product Advisory:

    If the battery is indeed one of the affected ones (read carefully and run the test on the site based on the serial number) you will get a replacement battery for free.

    If not, go buy a new one and dispose of the new one at a recycling point.

  3. this might b coz u must have been charging it continuously...the battery when charged continously for a long period of time tends to swell. dont know the technical reaction that goes on inside..but this is the reason for ur battery getting swollen..try changing it..must cost 10 dollars..and i dont think it wil burst..that was another series of battery. al the best.

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