
My Nephew wants to be a gang banger like i used to be. I don't want that for him... any suggestions?

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My Nephew wants to be a gang banger like i used to be. I don't want that for him... any suggestions?




  1. find something else that might interest him.  Like sports, music, art etc. Take him to a local college.  Show him he world is at his feet.  Encourage him to follow his dreams. If not take him to your local morgue or jail and show him where he could land up.  The choice is going to be up to him.  But with love honesty and encouragement he can fulfill his dreams.

  2. Tell him things about why it was bad. You didn't set such a good example when you were a "gang-banger" but now if you really care you'll fix it.

    You just tell him bad things and things that will happen and how horrible it is.

    Sorry but hope I helped


  3. Stage an intervention - you know one of those things where family and friends lock you up, for the good of their health. They do it on tv all the time.

  4. tell him its horrible and you regret doing it.  that'll change his mind

  5. Tell him the truth about your life, your regrets and what it cost you to find out. The best way to keep a kid out a gang is a strong relationship with real family and an eye toward the future by making sure he's educated properly so he can have a successful life. You can mentor your nephew and keep him on track if your willing to invest the time and effort.

  6. tell him about the things u went through and let him know that gang bangin can only lead 2 death or jail  

  7. pretend you got shot and almost died or you can let him "Join" a fake gang with actors or w/e and scare the h**l outta him

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