
My New Cockatiel... Help?

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I got my new cockatiel like a week ago and shes very quiet. I have two budgies who are very loud and when they get hyper and crazy, my cockatiel somewhat starts to talk. She is very quiet. We talk to her all the time, whistle at her, play soft music, but still nothing.

Every time I put my hand in the cage, she immediately tries to bite me (though its more of a nibble). When shes out of the cage, she doesn't like to be touched except being rubbed on the head and her neck.

How could I get her to trust me more? I've been reading and seeing videos on how to train them to sing a tune, but not working in my case. Any suggestions?




  1. we have 3 babys the oldest Paco we have had for 4 years when we got him he was 7weeks old we worked with him all the time . you must keep reapeting the same thing over and over or we also made a tape for him when we would leave he talks alot and whistles alot of tunes deff. keep up the great work dont give up on him yet it takes alil time for the trust to build but once it does u will have a great freind.

  2. It really sounds like you're doing well with your new bird!  You are taking her out of the cage and she is allowing you to rub her head and neck.  This is GOOD!  Give her plenty of time to get used to you.  Remember that this is all very new to her and she's still a bit frightened.

    Keep doing what you are doing and just let her get more and more comfortable with you in her own time.  Try not to push her too hard and just work within her own comfort zone.  Trust takes time to build and it sounds to me that you're well on your way.  Good job :-)


  3. Well let me start off by saying every bird will be a little nervous when they first get home and should be left alone to get used to their surroundings. That means you can talk to her and stuff but you should start reaching your hand in yet. Until the first week is up.

    When birds are scared they generally keep quite except for some alarm calls to their flock (other birds or you) You shouldn't worry this is normal for her to be quite. (Plus cockatiels who receive enough attention remain quite)

    If she bites when you try to get her out of the cage she might be cage aggressive. This is also normal behavior. Just think of it as her defending her territory (her home) Only VERY tame birds will come out without a bite or scream.

    Along with the she only lets you pet her head and neck problem. You should NEVER pet a bird under her wings, near her back, wings, butt, or base of the tail. These are her "private areas" That pretty much only lets you give her a head scratch or a beak message.

    To win her trust give her head scratches beak messages (if she likes or lets you) treats and talk softly to her.

    P.S only male cockatiels will whistle or talk and females are more of he cuddly kind. Good luck =)

  4. my cockatiel is like the exact same, she whistles and kind of talks but its almost always when im not looking at him or in the same room, most cockatiels hate being touched anywhere but the head and the neck

  5. I'm not sure where you got your bird but it doesn't sound as if she was hand raised. It may take a lot of time for your bird to decide you are its friend so just be patient and don't force the issue. If you got your bird and she is already a few years old she may have already decided she doesn't like people based on a bad experience. I've had three tiels and they were all very different. One was sweet and friendly from day one, the other two were adopted. I've had the adoptees for over three years and one still doesn't let me touch her at all but gets excited to see us and wants to be near us (as long as we don't try to touch!). The other was vicious when we got him but now allows us to scratch his head and neck and doesn't bite as much.

    None of our birds ever learned to friend bought my bird's sister and she talked her head off but mine never did despite endless attempts.  

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