
My Nose! Breaks n Twists?

by  |  earlier

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While sparing yesterday, I got hit square on the nose for the first time. It hurt pretty bad lol, but I was fine like 5 minutes later. So this got me thinking. How hard (or easy) is it to break someone's nose?




  1. Actually from a practical stand point it isn't difficult at all to break someones nose. Keep in mind when sparring you are very rarely going at 100 % speed and you have head gear and typical more padded gloves.  In an actual match you would have lighter gloves with less padding and no head gear take repeated jabs.  Your nose is just cartilage not full blown bone like your skull.  

    My best suggestion work defense and learn to bob and weave constantly moving your head down and left and right. The only way to avoid a broken nose in a fight is to limit the number of times you get hit in it....  

  2. ye i know i dont understand the breaks and twists part either, is it some kind of a dance?

  3. Well if your a good boxer you'll have a good defense so it should make it hard.

    But accidents happen. So, if your talking about how hard would your opponent have to hit you, the answer is reasonably hard.

    I'm not sure what the " Breaks n Twists " part of your question means.

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