
My Ob/gyn offered to induce me 4 days before my due date - what do you think?

by  |  earlier

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She said the baby is ready and that if I wanted she would induce me tomorrow, next tuesday, or next friday (my actual due date.) All I have to do is call and schedule it. Should I schedule it, or let it ride?




  1. nope, nothing.

  2. Of course not, let the baby come when he or she is ready and not when it's move convenient for your doctor.

  3. Well I've have a unplanned birth and induction, if i were to ever have another baby I would be induced, it was GREAT!!!!! No pain compared to my other delivery, and it was really nice to know ok on this day we go and have a baby rather then oh c**p my water broke and we gotta go in the middle of the night. If your this close then your great to be induced the baby's done growing and ready for the world!!! Good luck

  4. Let it ride. Nothing is so painful as induced labor.  

  5. The doctor wants to schedule it bc it is convienent for her that you give birth during work hours.  Don't let her pressure you, the baby will be born when he/she is actually ready.  Not whenever the doctor feels like being at the hospital.

    Induced labors are much more painful and have a higher rate of intervention (c-section) so IDK why anyone would consider it unless for medical reasons.

  6. NO! Its an edd for a reason. That means anywhere from 36 to about 42 weeks... Your baby will come when he/she is ready. If there is no SERIOUS reason to induce I wouldnt allow them to touch me until I went on my own.

  7. I'd wait, at least til my due date. the baby is growing and safe in there. if there are no complications and your not more then 2 weeks past your due date, i'd just wait.

  8. i had induce labor and hunny in less your pass due...i would definitely wait...normal delivery the contractions slowly work up to get stronger....  with induction ...they start off strong...and keep going strong till u have the baby...i have had 3 kids...first child no induction wasn't all that bad ...2nd child where the induction happen bc he was 2 weeks over due..and i can tell u right now i will never ever do that again give me a c-section before a induce labor lol...3 rd child didn't hurt either no induction...depends on your pain tolerance..but i would have to say considering how many children i have had..i rather start off lightly in contractions and they get stronger by time i am able to get epidural...but with having induce labor your feeling Strong contractions for hours before getting pain relief

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