
My Oldest boy is acting up @school what do I do?

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He is kicking kids(his friends), running in the classroom amd hall, and pushing others. He normally is ok but his Dad just left for Afghanistan 2 months ago. So I wonder if there is more going on with him then we know. He always says please and thank you so he is a great kid, why now is he acting out. he is 6 yrs old in kindergarten. if that helps.




  1. Of course he is upset his Dad left. Im sure you are upset your husband left too and most likely you are showing that whether you know it or not. You are going to have to use tough love. Yes it sucks that he is overseas, but that doesnt mean rules just go out the window. Lay down the law now, take control or you wont be able to get it later.

  2. I think KT is on the right track. That coupled with the fact that you may actually not be quite so hard on him as you need to be, because his father is in Afghanistan. I've spent over two years in Iraq and had the same issues with my three children. Mom is stressed but at the same time feels bad for disciplining the kids because of their stress of Dad being gone. She stuck it out and we straightened them out a month or two after returning each time.

    Something she did that seemed to curb their behavior was to keep them occupied as much as possible. Wether it was through extracarriular sports or just something as simple as having them drawing LOADS of pictures for Dad (if he does this, be sure Dad sends him a picture with them hanging on his wall or something like that) that she would send to me in a care package.  Keeping them busy and having Dad call at least once a week to specifically talk to them helped tremendously.

    I hope this works for you. We get to try it again for another 15 months, in the not so distant future.

  3. i think he's got a lot of fear about what might happen to his dad, about being taken care of if something does happen to him, and he knows on some level that he has no control of the situation he and his family is in.

    as yoda said "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

  4. he misses dad.. by acting out, he thinks it may make you make dad come back to straighten him out.

  5. I'd say it's because of his dad. Talk to him about how he feels and tell him you miss dad too. It is probably just frustration and the feeling of being abandoned. But nevertheless he has to understand that bad behavior will not make dad come back to tell him to stop.

  6. He is upset that Daddy has left.  Check to see if his school has a support group for military kids.  My daughter's school has one and it has helped her.  She is also in kindergarten and 6, but she was having nightmares and didn't want to go to sleep.

    This is such a hard time for children.  Try talking to him about how he is feeling.  And also, let him know that his behavior is not acceptable.  I've always told my kids that we need to make Daddy proud while he is gone.

    Just a few suggestions.  I hope things get better for you -- and him!

  7. I thought all 6 year olds were like that.

    Or maybe he has ADD

  8. He's acting out because Dad is gone.  Talk to the school counselor or social worker, have them meet with him.  Should be a big help.  And may I say, thank you for giving up your man and all your free time (since now you're a "single Mom").

  9. Let his dad know, and the next time they talk have his dad give him a lecture.

  10. He needs discipline.Tell the teachers they have the authority to spank him and tell him if he acts up he will get one when he gets home.

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