
My Olevia 537h has a slight delay!?

by  |  earlier

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There is a slight delay with the sound, about 3/4 of a second. Is there anything I can do about it?




  1. Yes! This delay is due to the fact that digital sound takes a lot less processing than digital video. Use of a HDMI 1.3 cable can compensate for this type of problem between components. So if you are using a cable or satellite set-top box consider upgrading your cabling to a HDMI 1.3.

  2. 3/4 sec is not a slight delay -- it's terrible. If you still can, I'd return the set as defective. Mpeg-2 decoding does have some latencies to it, but it shouldn't be anywhere near what you're seing. Check to see if it is on all channels.

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