
My Oyster Card problem?

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Im a 16 year old londoner who uses an Oyster card. One day I beeped mine on a bus to get on and then handed it to my friend so she could get on as well (because she didnt have a card) the bus driver confiscated it.

What happens now? Will I get charged and how do I come around getting my card back or getting a new one? Am I permently banned from travel now?




  1. Is is one of those special Oyster cards for kids at school or one of those pay as you go things?  If you have a pay as you go, did you register it online with your details?   How long ago did this happen?  

    Don't do anything like that again, if a ticket inspector had gotten on the bus your friend would have been in serious trouble - the oyster was yours, you paid the fare not her, she had no proof a fare had been paid.

    Edit: your transport is free on condition you produce that card, this is the important bit, you MUST produce the card.  Your friend didn't have his/her card so they should have stuck their hand in their pocket & paid the fare.  

    Because you've had to apply for the card, you'll be registered on the system, it's unlikely you'll banned from public transport but according to this leaflet allowing someone else to use your card is considered a breach of their anti-social behaviour rules & this is probably why the bus driver confiscated your Oyster.

    Ring Transport for London & ask them if it will be returned or if you can apply again, if they say no, you'll have to get an ordinary Oyster.  

    I know it's harsh, you wanted to do a favour for your friend but a free Oyster Card is a privilege, not a right & it shouldn't be abused.

  2. Go on the TFL website and check there.  You won't be permanently banned,  but you might have to pay a fine.  Hey, or maybe you can just pretend you lost it?

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