
My PS3 is making a buzzing noise?

by  |  earlier

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My Play Station 3 is making a buzzing noise. It always makes a buzzing noise even when the ps3 is turned off and im just watching tv. What i dont get is I only have the video cable plugged into the tv, the audio cables are plugged into my stero system. I know its not just my ps3 because this is my second one and the first one mad the same noise.I know for sure the sounds coming from my tv speakers, and it aint the fan. Can anyone help?




  1. try plugging your ps3 into the tv and your tv into your stereo

  2. go and buy an optical cable and connect that to your home cinema system from the ps3. thats what i have done with mine and i do not experience any problems atall.

    ps3 --- optical cable --- home cinema system

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