
My PSP keeps saying that my connection to the access point is timed out?

by Guest66613  |  earlier

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My PSP finds my wireless signal (100%), but will not connect to it. I keep getting "aconnection error has occured. The connection to the access point has timed out." It's like it is rejectiong my WEP key.




  1. i had the same problem. go to settings,power save modes,and then turn off the wlan power save.i did that and it worked if you have it off already then i dont have any advise than just tell you to go to youtube and see if they can answer your Q?

  2. You have to turn off all transmiting devices wich may interupt your connection,like DSL.If that doesent work try alternative:go on good spot to get a good signal for PSP.

    hope i helped

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