
My Paradise Fish isn't as active...what's going on?

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I bought a Paradise Fish about 2 months back. It has been extremely active since I bought it but for the last 2 weeks it doesn't swim around as much he eats and goes up to the top for air and will swim around a little bit but nothing compared to what he used to do. I have him in a 30 gallon tank with 2 platys, 2 balloon mollies, 4 Black Skirt tetras, 3 Peppered Corys all of the other fish are fine. I do weekly water changes and all of the water parameters are spot on. Why has he slowed down so much lately? Is he sick or even worse dying? How old are fish when you usually get them from walmart because I am wondering if he is getting old...he is big and of full grown size.




  1. Fully grown paradise gouramis will grow to 4 inches, he may be old but most places sell fish no more than a year old, but I don't know about Wally World as they are horrible at keeping fish.

  2. Fish from walmart are injected with all kinds of bad things. He should get better as he ages.

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