
My Parakeet has been vomiting a reddish substance full of seeds for almost 2 weeks now. Will she die?

by  |  earlier

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She's been sick for a few weeks now; i put her on antibiotics from petco, and she seemed MUCH better while on them, but got very sick after i weaned her off. She raises her head up and shakes it, and this orangy-reddish vomit full of seeds sprays everywhere. She was housed with two other parakeets, but has now been removed from them. I love my parakeet dearly, but i can't spend 500 dollars for treatment: she's also 6 years old. Is she going to die? I don't want her to suffer.




  1. Need to get her to vets. Sounds like she has a crop impaction or infection. That over the counter med is no good. you can find cheaper vets that will look at her and help. Some even take payments. I would say if you dont get her help she will pass on and not in a nice way. I would also stop meds as this can lead to other problems. Keep her warm and keep cage half covered. Moniter her eating and drinking. At least call vet get advice and go from there. Is her crop big after she eats? Could have yeast build up from antibiotics. Good luck.

  2. good you got the stuff but i would take him to a vet he can help alot more other wise i would put him to sleep because he is suffering im so sorry but that nature

  3. take the bird to a aviary vet now and stop messing around if you care about the bird it could be bad but who knows maybe hes not eating good for several reasons but they can help.

  4. it could be possible that you took her off anti-biotics before the virus/infection had completely been removed.

  5. Parakeets will often regurgitate their food, like they are feeding a baby. We had a budgie who did this every month, and she would cover her mirror with it. I don't think she's sick, but I would have to see her.  

  6. dude she probably will

    im sorry

  7. How do you know that treatment is $500?   You should find out what the exam fee is at your vet.  Perhaps it would only be the exam fee and some good antibiotics.  Pet store antibiotics aren't very strong.  If she has already been sick for a few weeks and hasn't died yet, there is a good chance she doesn't need five hundred dollars of treatment.  

    Let them know when you call for an appointment that you need to know the price of everything before they do anything!  If you let them know what you can afford, they will do their best to work within your budget.

  8. sometimes you have to love them enough to let them go, and at her age she is elderly somewhat I think. Sounds like you have done all you can for her.  

  9. It might not be $500 & you might be able to arrange payments!! Go to a vet!! She IS suffering!!!

  10. well im very sorry to hear that, but you should take her to a vet just in case also make sure your giving her the right kinda food lol. :) hope she gets better soon!

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