
My Parakeet is not being it self it is not active it is standing at the bottom of the Cage. When i get close?

by  |  earlier

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to it it wants to bite. Please does any one know what is going on.




  1. It could be molting, they get really grumpy when they are molting, or it could be trying to lay an egg, if you are really worried, I would contact the vet and ask them if they can tell you what might be wrong.

  2. Can you see any eggs? Yes, even without another bird, my parakeet started laying eggs (one at a time) on the bottom of the cage. Often she would stand on the bottom and not let me near her food bowls or to clean. After a while I would try to distract her to remove the egg.

    She quit after about 2 weeks, and has not had anymore.

  3. It might just not feel good

  4. that has two reasons..

    #1 your budgie must be having a difficulty passing an egg (if its a female)

    #2 it is sick

    to make sure what is really wrong with your budgie, try asking an avian veterinarian..

    hope i helped :D

    PS: I also have pet budgies :)

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