They're always telling me how I'm not good enough.
If I get an A- I should have gotten an A, If I get an A I should have gotten an A+. B's are considered like they are a D, and C's are pretty much a sign of the apocolypse.
I'm always too fat for them. It doesnt matter what my weight is, I always have to "stop eating!" or I'm not active enough, even though I dance and have been running daily.
My room is never clean enough, apparently I always have a bad attitude. And whenever I talk back or say something about it they tell me I'm just like my sister (who is morbidy obese, drinks, does pot, s*x's it up like crazy, and steals from stores and others) Out of those, I do none and am not.
But whenever I critisize them, no matter how small (like, you're walking funny) they jump on me like I just told them they are the worst parents in the world.
What can I do to make them stop besides telling them? I've already done that.