
My Parents don't seem to realize the importance of my GCSE results.?

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I am to collect my GCSE results on Thursday, which I have been pretty nervous about for quite some time. My parents think that I'm making mountains out of molehills and refuse to believe that they are that important. I feel as though I have tried so hard to make them proud, and now they don't care. Is there anything I can tell them about the exams, to make them understand how important they are?




  1. Well maybe you should present to your parents the consequences of failing. That should make them acknowledge them importance. I know how you feel. In my family no one has a single qualification or anything they achieved or accomplished to their name. And me I am the first the break this cycle. My results tomorrow should show how different I am and how hard working I am and they don't even care. Its fine though because I know deep down this is for me and not for them.

  2. I would just sit them down and tell them how important the exam results are to you future and your career.  Tell them why they are so important and how hard you have worked.

    On another note, I wouldn't assume that your parents think these results are not important.  They may be downplaying them to make you feel less nervous while you wait for the results.  

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