
My Parents think I smoke weed and I dont, HELP!

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friends used to joke around about being high and **** as an inside joke nothing serious. But now, I have alot of questions about it. I asked my mom if some one smoked weed two years ago and if it would still show up on a drug test. They are getting really suspicious about it. They were threatening to make me take a drug test and I got worried because I got high on a sharpie on 4/20 and I don't want it to still show up. But that was a while ago and they still don't trust me about it. And I feel like I cant ask them any questions about drugs because they will get suspicious. Help DX




  1. I agree with julians mommy

  2. Yeah, they are g*y, Sharpies contain a solvent and of course you can get high off it, just as you can from sniffing glue. Not a good idea, though -- solvents are known for destroying brain cells.

    Would it show up on a drug test, though? And even if they test for that, you did it so long ago whatever it is would be gone. And even if it wasn't, it wouldn't show up on the test as marijuana.

    As to your parents -- say what you said here. And if that doesn't work, tell them that if they aren't going to trust and respect you, you're sorry, but you're no longer going to trust, respect, and confide in them, or take their advice regarding the avoidance of drugs.

  3. you will be fine with a drug test. take one to prove them wrong about smoking weed. i was blamed for smoking weed when i was 16 and it was my sister. she let me get in trouble too.

  4. you cant get high on sharpies st00pid........and please no one pick the "drugs are bad mk?" guy for best answer

  5. just have a chat with ur parents (if u can then have tears in ur eyes or start crying) tell them that you dont smoke weed and if they are gonna take you for a drug test and got busted then tell them you were only doing it due to curiosity(start crying...again). they will eventually forgive u and lecture u on it but it wont hurt...

  6. Ok it is very unlikely that you got high on a sharpie unless you continuously sniffed it for hours!

    Its ok to take a test just do it and get them off your bacck

    Yes,you can but it is almost impossible unless you dedicate a whole day to it

    and how do you know what it feels like to be high if you have never smoked weed?

    I dont think you even know what being high feels like therefore you wouldnt know if you were high when you sniffed a ******* sharpie!!!!!!!!1

    Who the **** sniffs sharpies anyways!!!

    Oh I know pussys who are to afraid to do the real **** !!!

    yOU ******* POSER *** ****!!!!!!!!11

  7. take a drug test. oh and as a sidenote... 4/20 is NOT YOUR ******* DAY *** HOLE! THATS OURS! IT BELONGS TO THE ******* STONER COMMUNITY AND WHITE SUPREMISTS (who i have nothing to do with therefore i am only talking about stoners) SO DONT GET HIGH OFF A ******* SHARPIE. GET ******* BAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    besides ganja is a LOT healthier than sharpie. so many d**n chemicals...

  8. The only reason your "getting high from sharpie" is because your not getting enough oxygen to your brain. You could do the same thing by holding your breath for a while. Its not where close to getting high from THC. I just want to tell you YOUR SO COOL! by getting high on 4-20.

    I think you have alot of growing up to do...and when your like 20 you will look back and say WOW I WAS SO STUPID!!

    The only way you will fail a drug test is if they were testing for pot,coke, pills etc. and you really did do them. Maybe you should realizd your "inside jokes" aren't funny

    I hope your mom does find this and kicks your butt!

  9. Well if you don't smoke weed then take a drug test, pass it and then get some trust back!

  10. no it wont show up just tell your parents to by a drug test and use it on you. I no what you are talkin about when i was in like 5th grade we thought that sniffin lemon salt made you high all the kids were out there doin it. but it wont show up on a drug test girl

  11. its not gonna stay in your system because sharpies dont have THC so you have absolutely nothing to worry about. just take the test

  12. haha...i wish i were you, i actually did the real deal a couple of times and my parents found out rite away (i stupid)...they tested me and the **** came out possitive fro marijuana,,,anyways i seriously doubt that it will come out possitive, REALLY dont even front, get tested and get em off ur back, dont try the real thing!

  13. lol your cool you get "high" of sharpies.

    oh yeah i so wanna be you.

    and yes i have tried it when i was in grade 5 and a r****d.

    and it doesnt work.

    your a ******* idiot.

  14. If you do not smoke it then why are you talking about it so much?

    If you were to start talking that way about s*x then don't you think your parents would be thinking you were doing it?

    Go to rite aid and buy a at home test and take it. Do it in front of them and the test should come out negative right?

    Do that to prove them wrong.

    Stop talking about smoking pot.

    It is not a joke to talk about it...What do you think that proves to someone when joking about getting high?

  15. No, it will not show up on a drug test. If you smoke weed it takes about a month to clear out your system. The whole sharpie thing will not show up if you got high off of it then took a test. Dont do it though, that will kill your brain cells in a second and you will notice things being different up there, lol. Be honest with them. Tell them the truth. They only want to make sure you dont get high and i dont blame them. Tell them you will take a test and say "hey they sell urine tests at the drug store". (no pun intended).  

  16. You should be fine. Yes, a Sharpie can do damage to the brain due to the dangerous fumes, yet that should not show up on a sort of drug testing. You should take the drug test for your parent's sake and maybe for your own. You'll be fine.


  17. Just talk to them... tell them you fel like you cant ask them questions about drug because they will think your on them which your not and you want to be able to talk to them. That should hold them off.... umm you know getting hight on a sharpie kills your brain more then if you were on weed right??

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