
My Pastor said that Hurricane Gustav was God's way of voting Democrat, why is that so?

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My Pastor said that Hurricane Gustav was God's way of voting Democrat, why is that so?




  1. Come on, pastors don't vote democrat, your obviously lying.

  2. Who is your pastor?  Rev. Jerimiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, AL Sharpton???


  4. Sounds about right to me.  Kinda ironic considering that the Republicans are supposed to be the religious right and said that Katrina was God's punishment of N.O. for it's sinful ways.  Maybe he's punishing the GOP for their sinful ways now, by allowing Gustav to take all the wind (no pun intended) out of the Republican Convention.  It's really ironic since that so called Pastor said that he would pray for rain during Obama's speech.

  5. your pastor happen to be named  Wright ?

    or Pfleger  maybe ?

    Liberation Theology ?    Marxist friends of Obana?

  6. how does your pastor know what god's way is??

    did god send him an email ??

    why is your pastor singled out and nobody else??

    L O L  

  7. Hurricane Gustav is headed towards Louisiana and the republican national convention (I think that's what its called) was going to be there. Therefore that convention might be stopped because of hurricane Gustav.

  8. Your church needs to pay its taxes.

  9. Because it is going to hit land on the day that the RNC is supposed to begin.  coincidence?  Yeah, it is.  But I like what your pastor said too. :-)

    edit:  umm, Brown948, if this church needs to pay taxes, then every single church that says that if they vote democrat then they're going to h**l need to do that too.  Church and state are separate for a reason, and it should apply to all.

  10. LOL...

    Isn't that just the way...

    "Focus on the Family" released a video commercial asking their patrons to pray for torrential rain during Obama's acceptance speech...

    I guess God had other plans...

  11. WHOA... go to a different church. Sounds more like a cult or something. Geez.

  12. Probably because a lot of important Republicans are gathered right now.  I have to agree with God on this one.

  13. hahhahahahahahahaha


    but that gave me the greatest laugh


    no thats not true



    that was halarious

  14. No, Hurricane Gustav is the karmatic reward for all the Democrat's who voted for Ray Naggin, again!

    I hope that more of my tax money will not be spent to prop up an unsustainable city.  

  15. Blasphemy he should be sanctioned by your church

  16. Because Obama is the Messiah and he wanted the RNC to be interrupted by the hurricane.

  17. thats r****d your pastor needs to stop being stupid. Politics dont belong in the pulpit your pastor should know that better than anyone.

  18. Your pastor is a moron

  19. I don't know.  Maybe it's because you're tithing 90 percent of your paycheck and have SUCKER stamped on your forehead?

  20.   first i dont think god is registed to vote.and if he could.he the way.your in the wrong church.yur paster is an i---t.he should stick to his job.once he knows what his job is.move on.go to a church where they teach gods word.and not politics.

  21. I would say that your Pastor is rather insensitive.  

  22. Your pastor is putting politics ahead of religion.

  23. Your Pastor is an idiot... and if you believe that.... well...

    God would already know who is "winning" the election... hence being "God." Thus God doesn't need to "sway votes". God would know what the result is.

  24. that is foolish, he should not bring politics into a religious forum

  25. Because as usual. he was lying to you.

    Try a Christian Church - They'll tell you Barack Obama is God's way of telling you to vote Democrat.

  26. Is Rev Wright still preaching? Interesting.......

  27. If your pastor really said that then he is an imbecile, on several levels.

  28. Your pastor is a nut job. Hurricane Gustav is God's way of saying love thy neighbor.  

  29. Well some say Jesus is God and Jesus was a liberal (helping the poor giving all your money to the needy) so if Jesus is God I would say he would always be voting Democratic. :)

  30. Would that be Pastor Norm , the batender at your local tavern?

  31. huh? ask him. point blank: What did you mean by that?  if he cant give you an answer, he's a nut job wacko who likes to manipulate current events to his purposes.  

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