
My Period Is Very Late...Help?

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I've lost a lot of weight recently and for 3 years straight, my period has ALWAYS been on time. I haven't had a period since early July. It was officially late around August 15th. I've been eating more fatty foods like a few things of candy because I just don't get enough to eat during the day, thinking that it would make my period come, and it didn't. My mom keeps screaming at me telling me I'm messed up and that weight is controlling my life. She is taking me to the doctor the day after my birthday which is September 8th and she keeps annoying me telling me that she is telling the Doctor EVERYTHING about my behavior for the past few months, including about my 'eating disorder.' I swear to you, I am NOT PREGNANT. I'm only 13 (almost 14) years old. I'm still a virgin! What could be the problem?




  1. Hmm, If you had your period regularly and then it just stops..something is wrong. You need to seek out medical help. And You've got to eat! If you don't eat a lot you can have even worse medical issues! If you don't want to gain weight then just eat a lot of healthy foods and work out a lot.

    And by the way I don't think these two problems have any association with each other. Just talk to your doctor =]

  2. Hi, did you intentionally lose weight?  I have some experience with anorexia, and that condition will cause your period to stop.  You say you don't get enough to eat during the day ~ why?  Candy bars, etc. are not going to help.  Try to maintain a healthy diet, with good foods, and  a healthy weight (check the charts on line).  Don't be obsessive about your weight or what you eat.  Believe me, that stuff gets out of hand really fast and it is not a journey you want to take.  I've had a daughter that is anorexic~ it is a battle that stays with you for quite a while. Whether you have what you call an "eating disorder" or not, just be mindful of what you eat, keep it good and healthy, and relax.  Nature should take its course.

  3. Don't worry about it. For a LONG period of time, my period didn't come either.

    People say this can be caused by a couple of factors: loss of weight or gain in weight, stress, change in diet or change in exercise levels.

    Since you did lose weight, that might be the cause.

    My parents were also concerned about my eating habits and the way I thought of my weight, and I know how hard it is when they start telling the doctor.

    But just know that you're going to be fine because mine came after a while.  

  4. i think i may have to side with your mom on this one.  if your period is always on time, and you have lost a lot of weight, and your mom is concerned about your eating habits, that does, to me, suggest a eating disorder.  eating disorders are not cut and dry...just because you are not starving yourself or throwing up doesn't mean you are not heading down a potentially bad path.  

    At your age, you need to develop healthy eating habits that will help you maintain a healthy weight for life.  if you are not getting enough calories, then your metabolism will slow down and that makes it really hard to maintain a healthy weight.  

    So, you period being late, when it is usually always on time does suggest an eating disorder.  more precisely, it suggests that you are not getting enough calories and so your body has shut down reproductively because it knows that you can't support a pregnancy because it can barely support itself.  

    the problem is your change in eating habits.  

    try to work with your doctor, don't see this as a threat but as an opportunity to learn healthier ways to maintain your weight loss (assuming its healthy).  

    I am sorry, i know that is not what you wanted to hear, but please take it into consideration.  Your mom is only worried, and i know she shouldn't scream at you, but she probably doesn't know what to do.  

  5. Oh my ******* god. Why are you typing this!!! Go to a ******* hospital!!! You have a very serious condition that I have only seen twice in my fifteen years as an EMT. Please seek medical help!!!

  6. Honey, if you have an eating disorder and you are way too skinny, that will mess up your period. I think you need to see a counselor as well regarding why you are starving yourself. Eating candy wont help your period come, see a nutritionist who can assist you in what to eat that will help maintain a healthy weight. You need your grains, fruits and vegetables and also carbs. The last thing I think you want to do is have a disorder that will affect your body in the future, hence not being able to conceive babies one time, etc.

    Good Luck to you and know that being skinny is not everything! Peer pressure can be a ***** but you need to be you and be happy and healthy and get rid of the friends that are not supportive of you.

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