
My Pet Snake (ball python) will not come out of its rock :(?

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I just bought my pet snake yesterday and since yesterday it has not come out of it rock. i played with it today for about 1/2 hour and once i put it back in the aquarium it just goes straight for the rock and hides.. the aquarium has both one heat side (lamp) and one side which is shadow. The temperature right now is 82..

Does ti need tog et use to its home or soemthing?




  1. Ball pythons are nocturnal, active mostly at the hours of dusk and dawn They are also reclusive animals who like to feel secure in a hide. Leave it alone. In a few weeks it will start getting used to the new surrounding and it'll start coming out at night.

  2. i wouldnt have a hide rock. i would want my snake to be viewable and it'll make your snake more shy. i hold my snakes everyday and they seem to like it.

  3. Ball pythons are very shy snakes. When we have a client that buys one from us we always tell them DO NOT HOLD them for about a month. They need time to get acclimated to their new environment.

    People recommend ball pythons for a first snake but I disagree. They stress out very easily and will stop eating. They get sick fairly easily as well.

    A young one will have more problems than an older one.

  4. SNAKES 101


    it needs to get used to its new home. im sorry but this is very basic stuff. low levels of handling can be done after the 2 weeks are up then can start to be handled normally at 1 month

  5. It is probably adjusting to its new environment.  Play with it daily to help it acclimate to you.  Also, reptiles "hide" before they shed and use the rocks to help slough off the skin.  Maybe it is getting ready to shed, too?

  6. That is what they do...hide.  They are more active at night.  Leave him alone for at least 2 weeks before handling so he can adjust.

  7. maybe you need to move the rock or it doesn't know you and it's scared to be held by you. Or it's just shy.

  8. You have nothing to worry about, this is completely normal for newly bought snakes to do. Your Ball python is just getting used to her new home, she's a little scared right now and it will take a few days for her to settle in. Continue to hold her, but not for long periods of time, this way the process of "settling in" will be shorter. Just be sure she drinks fresh water every day or so and try feeding her when you see her roaming about in the tank.

    I hope this helps, good luck with your new python, they can be real sweethearts when they get used to their new home.

  9. its normal. snakes like dark places.

    ive had mine for about three years and he rarely comes out of his hide.

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