
My Pitbull is only 6 weeks old I heard that was too young?\?

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My Pitbull is only 6 weeks old I heard that was too young?\?




  1. Yes that is a very young age to be removed from the mother, puppies learn ALOT from their moms and shouldn't be removed for a few months

  2. most puppys leave at 8 weeks if it doesnt have teeth u will have to bottle feed it. be careful u could be charge for animal abuse

  3. ya cuz it is!

    where did you get it?

    how much did you pay for it?

  4. If the dog is already eating dry dog food then it should be fine to take it from it's mother.

  5. Yes it is far too young to be separated from its mother.  Can you bring it back to spend a couple more weeks with mom?

  6. I got my pit at 6 weeks and it was perfect she soaked everything up like a sponge within the first week and she's almost 5 and still one one the smartest dogs i know!

  7. too young for what? I'd say too young to be separated from its mother for sure.

  8. Too young. Unless you bought it from an uneducated family with a litter it sounds like a puppy mill to me. May want to consider alerting authorities.  

  9. Too young to be separated from litter mates and mom? It absolutely is. Pups learn much about bite inhibition, communication, and just being a dog from their siblings between five and eight weeks of age. You can give her some of this education, but no one can teach a pup as well as another dog can.

    If there is any way possible to return the pup to its family for two more weeks, do so. If not, enroll in a puppy class as soon as possible, have her meet your friends' stable dogs, and realize you are going to need to be extra diligent in your training.

    This book may help you (you can download it for free):

  10. 8 weeks is the youngest a puppy should be away from its mom and littermates. They need those extra two weeks to learn social skills.

  11. Yes, 6 weeks old is too young to be away from mom. Not sure what state you live in but I do know that in PA, it is not legal to sell a puppy until they are at least 8 weeks of age. Optimum time for a puppy to be with its mother is 10 to 12 weeks.  

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