
My Pomeranian Puppy! Housetraining, and other questions?

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He is getting wild and crazy! I take him out, and he just runs at my cats and dogs(that are outside) the whole time that we are out there. He has gone to the bathroom in my house 8 times today. He had been doing very well with potty training...but not anymore. I am used to giving out info about this to others, but my info doesnt seem to be helping me. There are many more problems to face with my puppy, and here are some questionst that i hope you can answer?

1. Some simple house-training tips. Yes, i'm crate training him.

2.How to calm his behavior down while he's outside?

3. When will his adult fur start to grow in?

4. He scrapes his feet across the ground, like he's marking his territory, why?

5. I herd somwhere, that it's good when training, to use handsignals, is it?

6. What are some things that are crucial at this stage?

7. Training Tips?

8. Do poms tend to be spastic, because mine sure is!

9. Is there a way to get the pup to want to go outside, and stop going to the bathroom in the house.

10. He ALWAYS tends to urinate on blankets. Is there a reason for this?


Please answer as many questions that you can. (i.e, if you want to answer number 1, write 1.{then put your answer here}, so that I dont get mixed up on questions.

P.S He's a 4 month old Pom.




  1. i have a 3 month year old chihuahua i smack her on her bottom when she doesnt listen.Buy traing mats from pet store,then place them around the house. when it goes poo put it on one of the mats let the dog sniff. write me back and tell me what happens in 4 days

  2. If you are taking your dog outside to potty take him to the same spot each time. If you go out and he doesn't want to potty and he wants to play, bring him back inside. Pick up EVERYTHING off the floor the dog could possibly pee on. Keep the dog either in your eye sight (or someone elses)  or in the crate.

    Feed your dog on a schedule. Don't give him free access to water all day. Let him have water about 5-6 times a day.

    If there is a petsmart near you, they offer free potty training classes. I also suggest that you enroll him in a training class somewhere.

    You can use hand signals when training a puppy. Use the signals first and once they know the signals then you can add the command word. (ex: sit, stay, down etc)

    I know I haven't answered all your questions but hopefully some of that helps.

  3. 1.  Carry him outside so he can't "go" on the way.  Take him on a leash to the same spot.  If he doesn't go, put him back in the crate.  If he goes let him play.  Make sure to get the smell out when he has an accident in the house.  there are products you can use.  I have had good luck with white vinegar.

    2.  Let him play.  wear him out while he is outside.  My pom loved to chase balls.  He favorite toy was a cat toy - a mouse on a string on a stick.  She loved chasing it.  

    3.  He will start to lose his coat soon and go into his Puppy uglies.  Don't worry This is normal.  He will start to grow it back in a couple of months but depending upon his lines may not get his full adult coat until 2 years old.  You can check with his breeder for his specifics.

    4.  He's a boy.  He is practicing.

    5.  Hand signals worked great with my pom.  Use the same signals you plan on using when he gets older.

    6. Teach bite inhibition.  Don't let him bite when you play with him.  Socialization, Socialization, Socialization.

    7.  My pom is extremely food motivated.  Also, play motivated.  Keep training session short.  I would teach my pom tricks while watching tv.  Actually I think that the tricks I taught her as a puppy helped with her other training.  She learned how to learn.  It also increased her focus on me for when the real obedience training started.  

    8.  Yes,  Poms are very energetic.  Sometimes my pom will all of a sudden start running around as fast as she can go. like she is in a race with a stuped happy grin.  Almost like a cat when they take off up and down the halls.  This is normal.  It is not that he is spastic,  just burning energy.  Focus it.  

    9. Do not give him the opportunity to have an accident.  You have to watch him at all times when he is not confined.  When he goes outside He gets to play and have some freedom for a while

    10.  You have to get all of the urine smell out.  It has to be neutralized.  Dogs can smell what we can't.  

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