He is getting wild and crazy! I take him out, and he just runs at my cats and dogs(that are outside) the whole time that we are out there. He has gone to the bathroom in my house 8 times today. He had been doing very well with potty training...but not anymore. I am used to giving out info about this to others, but my info doesnt seem to be helping me. There are many more problems to face with my puppy, and here are some questionst that i hope you can answer?
1. Some simple house-training tips. Yes, i'm crate training him.
2.How to calm his behavior down while he's outside?
3. When will his adult fur start to grow in?
4. He scrapes his feet across the ground, like he's marking his territory, why?
5. I herd somwhere, that it's good when training, to use handsignals, is it?
6. What are some things that are crucial at this stage?
7. Training Tips?
8. Do poms tend to be spastic, because mine sure is!
9. Is there a way to get the pup to want to go outside, and stop going to the bathroom in the house.
10. He ALWAYS tends to urinate on blankets. Is there a reason for this?
Please answer as many questions that you can. (i.e, if you want to answer number 1, write 1.{then put your answer here}, so that I dont get mixed up on questions.
P.S He's a 4 month old Pom.