
My Pool is SO Green right now and ive shocked it put ph balancer anything else needed and its still green help

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and i have guests coming over today for a family cookout, and they all expect to swim.

any suggestions on what might be the problem?




  1. you can try some clarifier that can sometimes clear things up after you have shocked with chlorine. you might do a double dose of it and turn your chlorinator or floater up and leave your cover off so the sun doesnt help grow it. you may also have a phosphate problem to if the green doesnt go away in the next day or so and you can put in as much chlorine & clarifier as you want and nothing will clear up. hope you get it cleared!!

  2. You should go to your local pool store with a water sample.  They will tell you exactly what chemicals to add and at what quantity to make your pool nice & blue.   Unfortunately is looks like it's too late for today.

  3. Put chlorine, PH balance, Acid, Floaters

  4. put BLEACH in the pool...that is going to help allot and cure the issue. After they leave drain the pool and start over and don't let the pool get green again. Smart if you keep up on the cleaning of your pool ya know!

  5. I agree that it's too late for today. Even if you managed to kill all the algae, there would be far too much free chlorine in the water which would be a skin and eye irritant. The water would also be extremely cloudy from the bleached, dead algae. From green to clear takes nearly a week and you'd have to clean the filter almost every day. Sorry.

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