
My Poor Hamster! Please help!?

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One of my Syrian hamster's toes is red and the nail is brown. He walks very minimally. WHAT IS WRONG????????




  1. Take him to the vet.

  2. maybe he picked up a nail fungus

  3. take him to the vet AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

  4. bring him to the vet! ASAP!

  5. The outdoors is not the ideal place to let hamsters venture off, even with supervision. Anyway, it is most likley that your hamster got his foot or nail caught in somthing. He could have also scraped his foot against the concrete.

    This is what I think happend though:

    Do you know why most hamsters don't need their nails cut? They bite them themselves. Your hamster probablt bites his nails to a good length. When he went on the concrete, it acts as a nail filer. It is hard to see, but there is a tiny blood vessle in every nail. If the nail is cut to short, it causes the blood vessle to bleed. Cats, dogs, birds, and other rodents have this blood vessle too. The concrete probably fialed his nail to far down exposing the blood vessle.

    The ideal thing for you to do is take him to the vet. If this is out of the question, then there is a medication that you can put on the nail. Give your vet at least a call so he can give you the exact name of the medication.

    Hope your hamster feels better =-D

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