
My Poor Hamster...?

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My hamster, Cotten, got scratched in the dead by the female hamster and her babies. Half of the head is bleeding and I think the skin got ripped off. Is there a chance he can survive?




  1. Take him to the vet immediately, he could make it you never know but if you don't he could die and you will be left knowing you could have helped!

  2. I would put him in a seperate cage where its quiet. Clean the wound and then put triple antibiotic ointment on it and then just watch it. If it doesnt look like its getting infected he should be ok. If it does than you need to take him to the vet. A small wound could turn very serious if it gets infected and stays that way. It could go into the blood and then alot of times the animal dies because it didnt get antibiotics to kill the infection. He could have been trying to hurt one of the babies and alot of animals that still have young around them are tigers when it comes to another animal or sometimes even a human. Like I said just watch the area and keep putting the triple antibiotic on it and make sure there isnt a foul odar coming from it. My pet rats are constantly getting into arguments and scratching each other. I have yet to take one to the vet for antibiotics. I just keep the area clean and put that antibiotic stuff on them and they turn out fine.

  3. yeah just make sure you separate them because the males kill the babies.  the babies need to be alone with their mom now.  gOOd luck!

  4. You need to separate him from the mom and the babies. The male hamster has more chance of eating the babies. And sometimes the mom will reject the babies with the males scent on them. I would take him to the vet as soon as possible to be sure of no very serious injuries.

  5. hold him and put some toilet paper on his head to stop the bleeding. do NOT put them in the same cage as he will kill the babies if he can, or get killed by mamma.
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