I have a 12 year old boy, and I understand this time of year is hard for him. My husband and I just finished getting a divorce. I knew this was going to be hard for my son to hear, I went through the same exact thing… but I didn’t expect him to treat me the way he’s been treating me. Winston, that’s his name… is one really good boy. He never swears and hasn’t cried since he had diapers. He’s a bright kid, that’s for sure. But now, all of those things are happening. He’s swearing at me, calling me words I don’t even know where he hears them from, and he’s failing in school. When I talked to him last, he told me he’d rather die than live this life. I don’t want him to feel this way and I really want him to feel OK! I don’t know if I should hire a therapist… would should I do, and what should I say?!