Here we go! Remember this is my Dad so, please be respectful when answering. O.K. - For the past six months or so he been having this feeling that something is following him! Mostly at night before sleep. He say's that he feels almost an energy or some sort of current running through his lower body. Also, he explains it almost like a low frequency electric current that you hear round power plants..I don't know, almost like a buzz I guess. He also say's that in bed he feels almost like a wave and this thing circles the bed. He has a strong faith and has not only prayed constantly about this but has even went to churches to try to find an answer! He feels that a neighbor downstairs may be the culprit..My pop's works crazy hours and he say's that everytime he fight's this thing, let's say at two in the morning, she happens to be up as well banging and doing what she does. Here's the funney part. Everytime he uses the bathroom and flushes she flushes 3 times more. Any advice please HELP!!!