
My Prozac expired in 2004, what do you think it has in its potency now that its 2008?

by  |  earlier

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you know half life c**p!

I live in two houses and have to devide my c**p between the two, well the bottle I am downing expired in 2004, so I am doing twice as much as normal.

40 to 80 mgs, you think that works?

sure doesnt seem to but hey I thougth I'd ask! thanks!

doctor told me in body its has a 6 month half life, I think thats a bit long, what about out of body!




  1. Don't worry about it, besides do loonies really know the difference anyways? Who knows maybe taking something bad will be the healing in disguise!

    *You know I secretly do care about you but I know what you are looking for!*

  2. Since it is that old, and expired, you should toss it as it could kill you.

  3. If in Doubt chuck em out.

  4. You're going to fry your liver.

    Expired medications are unstable. If it was sealed and always in a place between 50 and degrees I would give it a 50% chance of being usable.

    In an open container, it's like milk except you can't sniff if. Who knows what kind of chemicals are used to combine with the active ingredient. They could have used a potassium or aluminum base, which has surely broken down by now to ....?

  5. There's a chance it didn't go bad...depending on the weather conditions it's been in.......but I would dump it (and try to get a new batch).

    Seriously, I've heard of people having kidney failure from taking medicine that's too old, so be really careful.

  6. I don't think I'd trust it .Maybe you could talk to a pharmacist about this.I'm not much of a gambler when it comes to my health.I think if you need this medication for a valid reason you should go back to the prescribing doctor.

  7. only 2 yrs max

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