
My Puppy Wont Stop Whining!?

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My 16 week old pup stays in his crate at night. I put him in his crate, then he just started going haywire!! He was barking, yelping, and going bizerk! That was the first time he has done that while being in his crate?? I simply told him to "HUSH" in a stern voice, and this just made it worse.

Any ideas why?

Any ways to fix it?

He's a 16 week old Pom.




  1. during the day feed him treats and play with him in the crate then he will learn good things come with the crate

  2. im guessing the cage isnt much comforting being in it..why dont you let him out? maybe he'll stop...he wants to be touched and loved at this stage..not locked up

  3. Separation anxiety

  4. I'm a sucker I would bring pup to bed with me that'll stop him from making any noise.

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