
My Puppy and her sister fight with each other!?

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My puppy and her sister get into fights which start off playing and end up really fighting! Her sister lives in another town and we are friends with the owners so we go and visit them. When she got there her sister, blue, was running around chasing Maya,my puppy, and when Maya wanted to take a break, Blue would jump on her and keep on fighting! There were a couple of times when they would really fight and i would have to break it up by making a loud noise and then they would go there ways and blue would start all over again! The strange part wuz when, that if me and gabby (blue's owner) left, they would immeditaley stop and try to follow us inside. Maya is an inside puppy and at home, she can go inside but blue isnt allowed to be inside expect for emergencys. Maya is a well behaved pup that plays very good with other dogs around my block but her sister lives on a ranch and doesnt even see other dogs. Blue was very sad when maya left, gabby told us and what do you think made these 2 girls be mad at each other when we were present?




  1. Blue has not been around (socialized) other dogs much and so doesn't behave well with them.  Dogs are territorial.  When you put Maya into Blue's yard, Maya is invading Blue's territory and Blue doesn't like that. Blue won't defend any territory indoors because she doesn't think of it as hers. Blue could also see Gabby as her territory and would defend her "ownership" of Gabby, too.  You could try re-introducing Maya and Blue in a place where neither has been before, both on leash, and see how they behave.  Then maybe try Blue's yard again.  About these fights, the more you try to break them up the worse (more violent) they are going to become.  Let the dogs work it out on their own or just keep the two dogs apart, always.

  2. Some people say that you should never keep litter sisters as the sibling rivalry can develop into something very serious.

    It is probably nothing more than your friends puppy is not properly socialized and does not know when enough is enough and is not able to read the warning signs from your puppy.  As responsible owners you should intervene when the play starts to get hectic and give them a time out session. Some dogs get carried away if they get over excited.

  3. Your dogs, could be over-reacting with each other, or hurting each other - so when maya, wants a break blue will keep pestering (Maya sounds like she has had enough and wants a break for a while) - Thats properly what causes them, fighting! You will, have to keep them separated when they start being nasty towards each other.  

  4. Blue just wants Maya to play because she is lonely and wants a friend

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