
My RCA 52" television is showing all blue what may be the problem how can I fix it? Cable is not hook up to it

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My RCA 52" television is showing all blue what may be the problem how can I fix it? Cable is not hook up to it




  1. This problem could be due to several sources none of which is good.  1) It could be that the red and green guns in the picture tube (if it has one) have died.  2)  The red and green demod circuits could have died.  3)  The TV blue gun z axis intensity control could have been advanced too far and is out of balance with respect to the red and green.  Simply back off the blue and/or advance the red and green.  4)  Possible (but unlikely) that you moved the set and it is not happy in its new magnetic environment and has a major purity problem and needs to be degaussed.  

    You did not say what vintage or type of TV you have: CRT, LCD, or Plasma. Nevertheless, I think that you now understand that you need to have a qualified TV tech troubleshoot it.  I realize that it is a major pain, but an all blue screen indicates trouble that is probably beyond your ken.

    Good luck and have fun.  73 from the Fisherman

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