It stays in standby. I checked if the fuse is ok. It turns out that it is but two of the capacitors, one of them right by the power cord, are leaking. There is this black slimy goo is coming out. I know how to use th soldering iron and I also know how to replace the capacitors. But the problem is that I dont know where to buy the new capasitors and how to find out what kin/type of capacitor to buy. Another thing hat I am not sure o is that even if I repair it would it start working. In other words I dont know that what caused those capacitors to leak and I am afraidthat if I repalce those two capasitors, will they start leaking again? But I am willing to take that risk. For now please help me in finding a place where I can buy the right kind/type of capacitors. I dont know who to read the colors on the capacitors. There are many weird numbrs and greek letters witten on the capacitors. but on the bord it says, c027, c303