
My RCA tv has a little magnet spot in it what can i do without putting magnets back up to it?

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  1. You can make, or purchase from an electronics gadget store, a degaussing (demagnetizing) coil for a few bucks.

    Start by making small circles around the center of your screen and move away while increasing the diameter of your circles.


    The second answerer reminded me of something. Every CRT television has a weak degaussing coil wrapped around the tube. You can also try turning the power on and off 4 times in a row. It may help if the problem isn't too severe. Don't try it more than 4 times in a row or you'll be in danger of overheating and burning out something in your start-up circuits.

  2. Unplug your television for a day or two, as long as the magnet has not caused serious / permanent damage, that should take care of it. It truly does have to be unplugged for more than a day though (and not just turned off) as electricity stays in CRT televisions for a long time after unplugging them.

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