
My Rabbit Is Limping...?

by  |  earlier

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She was running around with my other rabbit when I noticed that she hopped away without putting weight on her back left foot. I checked it at first: there's no swelling or anything. No nails are ripped, and nothing is stuck in her paw. I checked it again 4 days later and it was the same ( normal-looking), but she is still limping. What could be wrong?




  1. my dog was doing that, haha just kiddin, im not sure maybe somthing happened. Somtimes pets just do weird things people havnt seen.

  2. She could of hit it off something ...? What kind of hutch / cage do u have?? It might just be sore even if there isnt anything there.

    Hope this helped

  3. Hmm. If your bunny kicks a lot she could have pulled a muscle, or possibly ripped a tendon.

    One of my bunnies, had to be put down{By my dad} because she wouldn't put weight at all, on her back legs, she just dragged herself, or didn't move.

    If your rabbit starts to do that, theres a chance she may be going lame, in which case, I don't think theres a cure. I would move her inside{If she's an outdoor rabbit}

    and keep an eye on her for another week, if it stays the same or gets worse, you might contact your local vet.

    If she seems to get better, than still watch her, but wait a while to move her back outside{If an outside rabbit}

    I hope she'll be okay!

    Good luck

  4. I don't mean to be mean to the other rabbits, but maybe one attacked it. I don't like thinking it but how big of a cage is it? How many rabbits?

    <>< ><>

  5. its obviously has nosophobia

  6. maybe she dislocated it?

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