
My Rabbit?

by  |  earlier

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hi, just last week ago i got a free rabbit from someone and they gave him to me with everything and a hutch i was wondering if it was fine to put in a female and malle rabbit so i would have 3 rabbits 1female and two male?




  1. im a rabbit owner i had 3 rabbits now i only have 1

    you can put those together BUT you will have to spay and neuter all of them ( or neuter only the males cause they will fight as they mature)

    its better idea ot keep the same s*x rabbits toghether to prevent ending up with babies

  2. First, spay/neuter all your rabbits. This not only prevents them from mating but also prevents them from getting cancer, which males and females are both rather prone to. Then wait at least two weeks before starting to introduce them; it takes about that long until they are no longer hormonal.

    You will still need to be very careful when introducing two rabbits: although they live in big warrens in the wild, they are still territorial and will fight if not introduced properly.

    I could go through the entire process but I think covers it much better than I could.

  3. NO, unless there spayed and nuntered and even then its not a great idea. Males like to fight and if you get the right female they have any attidute too.

  4. OMG!!! No way! My rabbit is a boy and we have rabbit clubs ( for ppl with rabbits to discuss behavior and stuff like that ) about once a month and my rabbit hops onto the other rabbits ( he is a boy ) and at first it was REALLY scary! After a male rabbit is sexually mature....well there's no telling what he'll do.

  5. This is just about the worst idea,yet.First of all; all your rabbits should be taken to a rabbit knowledgeable vet and spayed or neutered.Pronto!

    Secondly the rabbits have to be introduced slowly and carefully,after neutering.They have to be "bonded".This takes an experienced rabbit owner to do.Perhaps you could read up on bonding rabbits on the web.I  would never put unneutered rabbits together.I wish someone had told me this when I got my first 2 rabbits,as the female killed the male one nite.It was a horrible thing to go thru.

  6. If you put a male and female together they will have babies. So you are effectively adding to the homeless rabbit population, which is irresponsible.

    If you go them neutered it would be possible. A neutered male and a spayed female make the best pair for getting along without the risk of babies, however, adding another male to the mix will result in vicious fighting, even if they are both neutered.

    The only way to get a 2 male 1 female trio without going to the ends of the earth (its not worth your time) is to get 2 brothers who get along, and pair them with a female. You can do the same with 2 girls, 2 sisters who get along and one male.

    It depends what your new bunny is. If he is male, then its possible to find a female pair at a rescue. If she is female, then i wouldn't give it a try to be honest.

    Oh, and you can't just dump them together. I proper pairing can take anything from 1 week to 6 months. You need to slowly introduce them in neutral supervised situations.

  7. Spay and neuter everyone and you certainly can attempt to bond them all. Keep in mind that while rabbits are social and bonding them is a very rewarding experience, it isn't always an easy task. Also keep in mind that spaying and neutering not only allows you to keep them together easier, it has a lot of health benefits (especially for female rabbits) and cuts down on behavioral problems like marking.

  8. dont keep them 2gether. after 2 rabbits mate, they REALLY dont get along, gl, hope i helped!!

  9. 2 bucks (male) or 2 does (female) will fight when put in the same hutch togetherr, you should only put a male and a female togethe, then of course they will breed like rabbits! lol
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