
My Rabbits have eaten rat bait! What should I do?

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My rabbits were diging in the garden and have brought up some rat killing bait that we had put down around a month before but now they ave dug it up and im not sure if they have eaten any. If they have will it kill them, how long will they have to live and is there anything i can do to help them? Please Help




  1. sometimes after i eat  i stick my finger down my throat bc it makes me throwup. you should try sticking your finger down each rabbits throat so they will throw up the poison and they will be okay.

  2. Go to the vet! Call them first, if they tell you do something in the mean time. Go! Your rabbits life depends on it!

  3. If they are still alive then take them straight to the vet at once as you won't have much time!

  4. if you cant take them to the vets, give them loads of water, and keep them carm and warm.

    if you can get them to a vets, keep them warm and give them water to

    if the vet has to kill them they will die in sec's it's painless to.

    but rabbits are alot bigger than rats, rats will die within min or hours but rabbits have bigger bodys and can last longer, just keep them warm and take them to a ver ASAP

  5. if they got enough, they are probably dead by the time you get this post. good luck and best wishes.

  6. nothing you just have to wait and ease their pain if the worst comes, sorry

  7. This is serious - they may die.  if they look like they are in pain take them to a vet immediatly.  On second thoughts do that anyway.

  8. Not good.  Hopefully, some of the effects would have worn off if its been out for a month or so, but all I can suggest is taking them right to the vets with the rat poison and praying that they can be saved.  Not too promising though.

  9. Take them to the vets as soon as possible. Hope they're ok

  10. Hurry go to the vet! RUN. bec without imediate vet care it will die. Rat poison can kill in few hours. They can try pump its stoumch or emergancy sergery but theres not much.

  11. You should call the vet and see what he says......Hope there okay......Good luck

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