
My Rat is Twitching, Please Help!!!?

by Guest44880  |  earlier

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He is a standard hooded rat.

Male - approx 1.9 years old.

Yesterday he was twitching in his sleep every 5 seconds, one big jolt, for about 20 seconds or so.

Today he was doing it while he was awake. He would jolt back to back for about 15 seconds and rapidly I might add. We were holding him at this time when it happened.

We don't know if he is having a seizure, is it something in his diet, is he just old, his rat companion died a month ago could he be still upset and could this be what upset rats do?

If anyone knows anything about this let me know.

* All answers will be read no matter how many people post an answer or no matter how long winded.

If you know of any web sites let me know too.





  1. Twitching in his sleep is normal, most animals do it. :)

    When he's awake and he's "twitching" is he just jumping around spaztically or is it an actual twitch? The jumping around is referred to as 'popcorning' and is just a silly rat with too much energy/happiness.

    Rats, do, develop mental issues when living alone(because rats should NEVER live alone). Try slowly introducing him to a new friend and see how that works out.

    Either way, actually, take him to an experienced vet and get an opinion.

  2. they do that.

  3. I'd say try getting him a friend, that might be the problem. and if you do introduce it to another rat, do it slow. put them somewhere where neither of them have ever been, let them be there for about 20 minutes. watch over them the whole time. alittle rough housing is alrite as long as neiter squeaks or looks like one's getting hurt. if ones getting hurt take it away for a few hours or a day then try again. if one squeaks while they're together and isn't even being hurt just means it's cranky, so seperate them for a few hours then try again. do that 3 times a day, a few hours apart. make sure to watch the whole time. after 3-5 days of getting along, without hurting eacother, completly clean the cage, with NO soap, just water and a rag. clean the food and water dish/bottle and clean any toys if they can be cleaned. then put in fresh food, water, and fresh bedding. put them both in the cage at the same time, and watch them for about an hour. again, rough housing is fine. just as long as one's not getting hurt. and just watch over them fo a few days, and if nothing happens your good.

    and if he still does it after that, take him to the vet. it could be a very serious problem. and either way, weither he has something wrong or not, still get him a friend. all rats need another rat.

  4. Call your local vet and ask his opinion. It could be a number of things but, I think it may have to do with the stress of loosing a companion and the fact that he's older. My friend had a rat that died shortly after her companion died. But, with my sister's rats after one died the other lived for another half a year. Good luck.

  5. Do you mean he is jumping around the cage or does it look like he is having a sezure. Excited rats will popcorn. They will run and jump like its going out of style jumping like a deer. You can call a vet but they will tell you to just bring him in to have him looked at. My rats do twitch in there sleep but Im not understanding what you mean by twitching while awake. Be more specific

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