
My Rheems furnace is 19 years old, but not malfunctioning. Should I be replacing it anyway?

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My Rheems furnace is 19 years old, but not malfunctioning. Should I be replacing it anyway?




  1. You have a perfect situation. leave it alone as long as it is running  properly. Start saving a bit each week or month towards a new one to prevent a major shock to your wallet later. The only thing your current unit is doing is using more power than the newer units.

  2. That is a tough question.  Always difficult to decide to replace something that is working okay.  However, consider the efficiency and costs.  Today's furnaces can come 100% efficient (all electric) or close to that if gas.  That equates to less cost to run them than a 19 year old furnace.  If your utility rates are out of sight, it may be better to replace, either heat pump or high efficiency.  If you get energy star, you also get a one time tax deduction--not a lot, but some bucks back on your investment plus savings in utilities over a period of time.

    In a few parts of the country, utility companies give some assistance with the costs associated with the more costly heat pumps, but they do so in order to reduce consumption.

    Be assured, at some point your Rheem will develop a heat exchanger problem if it has not already, or a fan will go out, or something will give due to the corrosiveness of gas over time.  Maybe it is time to explore your options.  I would start with the utility companies in your area, or the county extension agency if you have one handy.  Ask for comparison charts on efficiency.  Then look to some site like consumer reports (visit your library if you don't subscribe) and read up on their results of their testing various brands and their recommendations.

    I would shy away from brand recommendations on this forum or from all your friends.  If they are happy, theirs is the best in the world.  If they have had problems, it would be nice to know about them, but you would have to canvass a lot of people to get an educated guess about what NOT to buy.  Even in the higher end more efficient brands, there are factions that are split between happy and unhappy, mostly due to absence of or presence of problems.  Some of those problems may not be the brand at all, but the installer and responsiveness to small and large functional issues.

  3. its hard to say how long your furnace will last.  call your local heating company and have a general maintenance done on it, they will let you know if the heat exchanger and burners are still in good shape.  

    just because its old doesn't mean you have to change it out.  there are some furnaces that are 30 years old and work great.  it all depends on how well its taken care of.  getting a new furnace installed is about $3200.00 for high efficiency. you also have to look at if you have an oil furnace replacing it with a natural gas or an LP furnace will save you money also

  4. I wouldn't replace it until there is a problem.  I work for an inspection company and have seen working furnaces that are as old as 25 and boilers that are much older.  I would start to budget for a new furnace, but until something goes wrong, I wouldn't spend the money.  A Rheem is a very good brand that might last a while longer.

  5. i got 32 years out of my furance so it ok maybe have it service in the fall

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