
My Robo Hamster won't run in his wheel anymore?

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My robo hamster I got on 8-4-08 used to be ADDICTED to his wheel. Now though, he won't run in it at all!!!! I tried getting him more active in his ball but he wouldn't even do that! He was completely scared of it! Now he sleeps night AND day. I'm not sure if its because he's getting older or if he is sick. Please Please help me!




  1. Is it dirty? do you clean it when you clean its cage? Remember, a hamster is nocturnal. I would put a metal wheel in there instead of a plastic one as he can chew the plastic. A side note, please do not use cedar shavings, it is very toxic.

    If those don't work, maybe his cage is too small or he enjoys the ball with more room to roam!! :-))

    here are wayz that u can get your hammie on his wheel

    1 Close the sides of the wheel and let him there alone for certain periods of time.. you have to make your own safe design

    2 Put above the wheel a piece of his her favourite food no to close, unreachable to its mouth but no to his nose, then finish this procedure by holding the bonus with your hand close to the wheel. finish this procedure by letting him eat his favourite meal! you just recently bought him so trust me hes not getting too old (my hammie is 7 months and still enjoys her wheel) and just becoz a hammie doesnt run on his wheel doesnt mean hes sick , hers my site on hammies (wich i made):


  2. Sounds like he's not well I would take him to the vet.

    Although it must get tedious going round on a wheel or in a plastic ball.

  3. this sounds like a problem that not many hammys get but it does happen its called bumble foot take it to a local pet shop that's help full some are not and they may take a look if not a vet or its just run down buy him some vitamins or rodent pick me up or even a little fruit can help good luck

  4. well he is probably getting lazy and here is a site about hammie's that mite help you

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