
My Roommate Smokes I Have A Baby Please Help!!

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OMG i recently moved in with my cousin, and discovered that she smokes marijuana!!! I have a four month old daughter and i know that these conditions can not be any where near safe for my baby, however i don't know what to do other then closing the bedroom door...its not like i can ask her to stop smoking, it is her house.. i am going crazy just thinking about the fact that my baby may be getting contact from the second hand smoke!! please help with advice on how to keep her pure other then moving out...




  1. Move out!  You said yourself that it's her house, so that's the only logical thing to do.

  2. This is a hard situation. First and foremost don't EVER let someone smoke weed infront of your newborn. Its just striaght up and down disrespectful! Cigarettes too! I smoke and I have a 2 yr old but I NEVER smoke in her presence. Its just wrong! I live in NJ and the best law they have ever passed is the "no smoking in your car with a child under the age of 13" law. If it bothers you that much then talk 2 her about it. Don't be rude just tell her how you feel about the situation. What's the worse that can happen? If she can't respect your wishes and be helpful then she aint much of a family memeber. And if she doesn't stop smoking and you HAVE to stay there the only suggestion I have for you is to buy a fan put it in your room when she smokes, turn it on and then soak a towel with water and put it @ your door so the smoke can't get in. Hope everything works out for you I feel for your situation I really do. Good luck  

  3. You are in a difficult situation and since you say there is no where else you can go then I agree with the others, ask her to smoke outside, or at a friends house. Explain about the baby, if she cares enough to let you stay with her then she will care enough to go somewhere else to smoke for the baby. Marijuana is not good for anyone besides being illegal, but usually people who smoke it will get annoyed if you try to make them stop for their own sake, they will state (correctly) that it's their life. But this habit of hers not only effects her but also you and the baby. Show her some facts from the internet so that she'll stop. I'm sure she loves your baby and will do the right thing.

  4. just move out. it will be best for you and your baby boy or girl.

    good luck!

  5. Absolutely ask her to keep the door closed.  Better yet, ask her to smoke outside.  You need to find a different place to live.

  6. Speak to your cousin..explain how thank ful you are that she taken you into her home during this difficult time in your life.

    Tell her about your concerns.. not in a confrontational way, mainly explain you are in a dilema you dont want to ask her to stop smoking in her own home but your worried about the health of bub..

    Hopefully at this point she might suggest smoking outside... Its her niece too, she may feel really bad and not realised!

    Good luck

  7. Tell her to smoke outside!

    If she cares enough for your baby she will not have smokes near you or smoke near you AT ALL.

  8. ask her to smoke outside b cuz of the baby

  9. There is no such thing as a contact high, the concentration is not enough to cause such.... if you have a bedroom that you can close the door on...your baby is in no danger...

    However if you still feel that your baby is in jeopardy you should move....

  10. then move out

  11. If your cousin has any respect for your and your baby. politely ask her to smoke outside that you are concerned it will affect the babys growth. Physical and mental.

    If she neglects... well you need to move ASAP. Because if someone finds out that your allowing you baby to grow up in a home like that CPS CAN take your child away. They would consider you to be an unfit mother for allowing your cousin to smoke around the baby.

    Me. I'd move if i could. It sounds like you can't so you need to talk to your cousin about keeping the pot outside the house.

    Good Luck

    Oh and in reference to the contact.. The concentration isn't high enough to get your baby "high" unless she is blowing the smoke directly in her face. OVER time.. it can harm the baby and if they were to do a test they could tell the baby had been around pot.

  12. If she wont stop you need to move. You also can call the cops... it is an illigal drug.  

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