
My Rottweiler Keepp Gaggging/Coughing What Do I Do ? Please Help !! Im Worried?

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my rottweiler keep coughing and im going out in a bit HURRY PLEASE IN NEED INFOMATION NOW




  1. Well I'm not sure about Rottie's, you might need to take him/her to the vet.

    All I know is that pomeranian's have a common thing where their trachea slightly "collapses" and you have to pat them on the back.

    But that is for pom's so dont trust that for your Rottie!

    Good Luck :)

  2. Check her mouth to see if there's anything caught in her teeth or somewhere in her mouth.  If not she's probably just swallowed wrong.  If you're really concerned, call your vet.

  3. dry gagging and coughing could be a sign of kennel cough (bordatella)

    If she/he is vaccinated for this, then obviously you can rule that out.

    other causes could be:

    an irritant such as a chemical or noxious plant material she inhaled.

    foreign body such as a stick or trash she may have gotten in.

    throat irritation from any unseen episode of vomiting (the bile from the vomit can irritate the cilia of the lining of the trachea)

    if your rottweiller is an older dog it could also be early signs of heart disease, tracheitis (irritated trachea/windpipe) or Pulmonary cancer. A veterinarian can rule alot of the above etiologies out by taking chest X-rays.


  5. Where are you going that is more important than your dog? She/he, could be choking to death. Try opening her mouth and look to see if you can see what is causing the choking. If you can't see anything, get her to a vet, NOW!

  6. Is he eating GRASS? Some times the barbs of the grass sticks on the sides of the throat on its way down and makes the dog gag.I give my rott a piece of bread when this happens and it seems to attach to what ever is making him gag.If its not grass or weeds then he might have a growth in his throat,which of course means get him to the vet.But again I tell you my rott does this all the time since we moved to this house.Good Luck Tilks Mom

  7. While your on the phone to the vet (NOW) check his airway. It could be something as simple as a hair stuck in his throat to something more serious. Time is of the essence

  8. If you REALLY needed info, and were genuinely concerned, you'd be on the phone with your vet this. very. instant. as you should be.

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