
My Russian Dwaft hamster just had babies Im Away the Weekend .. Help!?

by Guest61659  |  earlier

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Due to a mix up with the pet shop my Russian Dwaft just gave birth to a litter. I have seperated the male but I am due to go away for the weekend. My friend was going to look after them for me at her house, now I dont mind her having the male but I really dont want to disturb the female and her babies.

Plus because she is trying to protect her young if you go near her cage she will attack you, I know how to get in there and put food and water in quickly enough for her not to get to me, but my friend wont and she has very young children. I am considering leaving her here in the peace and quiet and putting enough food in that she will be ok, do you think this would be ok??




  1. Well, its only for the weekend right?  thats not too long.  i think with enough food, water, toys, and cover, then they will be fine for 3 days. Besides, if one of your friends young children were to stick their hands in the cage...  Hamsters can do serious damage to little hands. Why would u leave them in a house with young children anyways?  one "ACCIDENT" and the cage falls over and shes gone.  if it were me, i would leave them at the house.  just make sure you leave the A.C  on for them, and remember, since she has babies now she will eat and drink 3 TIMES as much as she normally did.  so put alot of water and food in there cause she has to feed her and her babies!!

       good luck!!!   Miley  <3

  2. well it depends what about her water she will need fresh water everyday why doesnt your friend take the male and try to arange for her to come in everyday and change the water and maybe the food if it needs doing hope this helps and i hope mum and babies are fine also i hope your weekend goes ok and good luck :)

  3. Well you should stay away from the young because if you don't the mother will either bite you or eat her babies so don't bother it of else you are going to have a bleeding finger or dead babies.Good luck.

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