
My Samsung Camera isn't working. Whats wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I own a samsung digimax S500.

For some reason, when I try to turn it on, it gives me a blurry view for a second then shuts off. I don't know what to do!

Can I remove the battery and memory card and rinse it out? Or will that destroy it?...

And yes, I'm sure it's not the battery. I've tried several new pairs..

Please help! I'm going to a wedding, and I'm the photographer..and I KINDA NEED MY CAMERA TO TAKE THE PICTURES!!!!!!




  1. The problem is, your camera is a loser at the top of its game.

    You need one of those big black professional cameras to do a wedding photographer's job.

  2. this is a joke, right?  who are you REALLY? i think your jim playing a grand joke on the world is what i think.

    tell the lovely couple to have their heads examined

    and dear, you don't need a camera, you need a weber.

  3. did you buy a big bag  of cheap batteries? if so get some real batteries and try them

    tell the people getting married to get their heads read



    OMG, this has to be a joke!

    Okay, who is this really?

    Seriously... I read your profile.  You are 13...and you are "the photographer" at a wedding?

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Honey, if you rinse out your camera, it will never work again.  Please beg the couple to be to find a real photographer.  Don't let them put it on your shoulders.  You are not ready for that responsibility.

  5. Wow a wedding photographer. Interesting. Nice Gig.

    Oh right, assuming you are using name brand new batteries and it still won't work then, your camera had a lens error. Meaning the camera is having trouble controlling the lenses properly. The lenses is made of several moving parts. One of them is not moving when the camera tells it to. Thus you get the blurry picture for 2 seconds. When the camera tries to focus, it crashes and gives up (thus going blank).

    You camera should get fixed if it's still under warranty provided it wasn't dropped or the lenses weren't damaged by an outside force. Standard warranty is one year.

    Problems are common with Samsung (unfortunately). The quality was never there (or even in the same town for that matter). If they won't fix it for free, then buy a new one. You'll be better off buying a new one if you can (or see if there's one for the soon to be husband and wife as a gift that you can borrow)

    Have fun at the wedding. Good luck!

  6. you are kidding, right?

    you know that water will ruin your camera and you know that 13 year old children don't get gigs as wedding photographers, they are to dress nicely stay clean and quiet and go home with their parents.

    when i was 13 i did alot of things but i never got a camera wet (and they weren't even digital or electronic or battery powered or anything but black and white film

    what you need for the gig is a mamiya (it's an italian camera, a wonderful  drool inducing camera, the price of which will cause your daddy to have a heart attack for sure. atleast if you were my kid and wanted one i'd just croak.

  7. The secret to making digital cameras work better is having good electrical contacts between the batteries and the camera.

    Digital cameras require lots of power. If electrical contacts are not really good, this can cause lots of problems so battery and camera contacts must be cleaned properly.  Batteries may have a full charge, but will be viewed by the camera as low if contacts are not really good. The LCD display is a low steady load, but with extending the lens, focus, optical zoom, and flash charging in the capture mode; it is like starting a car.  With bad contacts the camera can do strange things like shutting off with the lens out.

    Check out the source link for more information on cleaning the battery and camera contacts.  You should also look at the lens to see if it is clean.

  8. You need to do a good old fashioned sink test, place the camera in a sink full of soap...lukewarm..see if it sinks.

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