
My Sexuality Conflicts...?

by Guest62308  |  earlier

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Okay, well originally i liked girls. But... when i was in gym class we were taking showers and i saw some boys naked. Now i am questioning if i'm "straight" or "g*y" . I cant decide. i'm into both boys and girls. but i only want to like one "s*x". Please help me decide!!!!





  1. Whats wrong with liking both?

  2. Your g*y, go take another shower with some boys and forget about the girls.

  3. That... you need to do on your own.

    You should maybe try both for a bit and see which you like more.

  4. your just curios thats all ur probably just bi just like half of the teen world!!! dont be ashamed either its perfectly fine

  5. I find some women very attractive, but I don't consider myself a L*****n. Think about what is involved in g*y s*x. Could you see yourself enjoying it?

  6. So you saw some guys naked and decided you MIGHT like guys... Have you ever kissed a guy? Try that and see if you still like it... Also, for the most part I guess if you want to just choose one, then find out what feels more right to you... Just because you think a guy is attractive doesnt mean you're g*y...

    I'm as straight as they come and I can honestly tell you if I think a guy is attractive or not... My friend David, who is g*y, is VERY attractive, if I were g*y I'd be ALL OVER HIM...

    So yeah, like I said, just because you find guys attractive doesnt mean you're g*y... Why dont you go find out for yourself whether you're g*y or not by finding a guy or a girl you like... And doing whatever it takes to find your answer I guess... Within time of course...

  7. Sounds as if you may be "bi".

  8. well..

    just go with your instincts ..

    you will make the right decision :)

  9. lul i like wemon. but your not g*y cause you saw boys naked... or your bi sexual, u cant help your feelings.

  10. no one can help you pick between the two, you just have to find out for yourself.  

  11. You're bisexual. There's nothing wrong with that and nothing wrong with staying that way. You don't have to decide, at all. Don't let something as trivial as gender keep you from love. In fact, many people are inherently attracted to both genders although they're reluctant to admit it or don't know it themselves.  

  12. robots

  13. well, idk how to really help you...i mean try being with a girl for sometime and then a guy and maybe whatever you think you like being with more if you still like both just be Bi i mean that way you can be with both  but idk what else to tell you >.>

  14. Well by your name it looks like you got it figured out.

  15. meh there both fine choices

  16. why do you need to chose? if you like both, just go with it ;]

  17. if you are a boy is better go with a girl! and if u a gil is better to go that way g*y life is to complicated! i seen it happen! but you aint g*y ! you just a confused kid thanks to g*y comercials and usa giving privilegies to marry g*y! so be strong and go for girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. well your name tells me your g*y

    but your story tells me your bi curious

    so ummm idk

    i mean if your just checking guys out well then thats kinda normal

    but if your doing stuff with them and you like it well your g*y

    but then again if you like doing stuff with girls too your most likely bi.

    i suggest u get a thearapist to talk it over

    oh and think about it would u like having s*x with girls or with guys?

    its baisicly like who do u see yourself with and who your more comfortable around with more

  19. Most people are not totally staight or totally g*y so dont be upset about that. Most people fall somewhere on a sexual contiuum. What it comes down to is what you prefer. I wont lie I find women attractive and if it was only me and another girl left on earth and she was hot Id probably have s*x with her. Since thats not the case though I like men. I have no interest in having s*x with other women even if they are attractive. If you like men more and want to be in a relationship with them go with that, if you like women more and what a relationship with them go with that. I think the whole relationshio part is what counts. Regardless of being a man or women the same or oppisite s*x can turn you on or get you off but the quetsion is in the morning are you going to want them to leave. I know I could never have a realtionship with a woman no matter how attractive and wonderful she is. If you still cant decide then your bi and your just going to have to go on a case by case basis.

  20. No one on yahoo can decide this for you, it's what your attracted to more. Right now it sounds as if you are "bi" but some people say that doesn't even exist. If you can't decide for yourself you could talk it through with a therapist to see which your truly more attracted too.

    good luck x

  21. We can't choose for you...only you can....

  22. I'm going to be honest.It's against the word of GOD to be g*y and bi.Man is for woman and woman is for man.I'm going to get a lot of thumbs down but you asked for my opinion.There's always going to be a time in your life when you wonder what your sexual orientation is.I even wondered it.I say that you should most definitely stick with girls.I must say that it is not okay to be g*y or bi in the sight of GOD.Pray to GOD about this.GOD is the only one who can solve this.I can't tell you what sexual orientation you are.Satan is trying to come at you and make you this way.Talk to GOD and read His word.GOD loves you.That's my opinion.If you only want to like girls then you like girls.It's more of a conflict of the mind and heart.If your heart tells you that you want to be with girls then be with girls.But if your heart tells you that you want to be with boys then pray about it.That's the devil trying to turn you.Everyone else can think what they want about me but that's my opinion.It sounds that you are either bi sexual or bi curious.You are what you think you are,if you think that you're straight then you are straight.That is just how it is to me.I hope that I helped.GOD BLESS you!

  23. You *might* be bi, but some reason I doubt it. You're only bi if you're also attracted to men; were you actually ATTRACTED to the guys, or did you only get hard looking at them? If the latter, that's normal at a young age, you get turned on by anything sexual. In fact, there's some completely straight people who can only get turned on by watching g*y p**n, because when they were young they only got off on g*y p**n and therefore developed a fetish - don't let that happen to you.

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